Website Tips
1. First of all think of a good name for your site, be original
don't copy other peoples go to my site namer for some inspiration.
2. Now you need a layout for beginners its best to stick to
one colour then when you get more advanced try mixing
two colors together but just make sure they go well together
for example DO NOT! use the colors grey and brown together
see that is very disgusting an dull do not do it!
3. Be creative try to make stuff on your
own and put it on your site for people to take
just try and do it.
4. Make some rules it is extremely important that
you tell people not to direct link ect.
5. Have good backgrounds, people love them.
6. Don't use fonts that are difficult to read and definitely do not use say a yellow colored font on
a light green background people are going to sit there damaging
there eyes!
7 Do not TyPe LiKe DiS ItZ soOo AnNoYiN. Also it's best to use
good spelling, grammar and punctuation on your site, don't Typ lyk dis.
8. Have a good amount of content on your website, you don't want people getting
bored easily with nothing to do.
9. Never I repeat NEVER! have too much info about yourself. All you need is your
first name and country. Do not give out your address, phone or mobile numbers.
If you want to add a photo of yourself ask your parents first. Remember that
ANYONE can view your website, beware of stalkers.
10. Do not use people graphics, tutorials or anything they offer without giving
credit. If you use something from a site you must link back! Web owners spend
ages working on things for visitors so they deserve to be linked back.
11. Do not put people graphics and site content on your website and offer it to people, that is called redistributing and is NOT ALLOWED!