Site Namer
OK here's how this works...
Choose 2 numbers between 1 and 36 then match your 1st number to the 1st column
and your 2nd to the 2nd column and see what words your numbers create and you've
got yourself a site name.
Did it help? Link back.
1st Word
1. Cute
2. Dazzlin
3. Yummy
4. Shimmering
5. Dollie
6. Tropical
7. Starry
8. Super
9. Adorable
10. (Your Name)
11. Gorgeous
12. Sparkling
13. Cosmic
14. Silent
15. Honey
16. Secret
17. Vanilla
18. Mystic
19. Shiney
20. Angel
21. Peach
22. Strawberry
23. Fairy
24. Precious
25. Rainbow
26. Zesty
27. Froggy
28. Lime
29. Sparkle
30. Liquid
32. Lucious
33. Delightful
34. Sparkley
35. Graphic
36. Cherry
2nd Word
1. Corner
2. Paradise
3. Sensations
4. Delight
5. Passion
5. Ville
6. Central
7. Mist
8. Kisses
9. Dreams
10. Island
11. Dolls
12. Kingdom
13. Fusion
14. Glitz
15. Candy
16. Kiss
17. Creations
18. Dew
19. Designs
20. Diva
21. Chilli
22. Blossom
23. Pixels
24. Palace
25. Jive
26. Princess
28. Glitter
29. Polish
30. Ribbon
31. Pebbles
32. Diamonds
33. Sparkles
34. Glitter
35. Gloss
36. Stars